Sunday, March 9, 2008

Overhead Image Assignment

This is the drawing I created for the overhead assignment; however, since I overslept this morning (imagine that!), I get to talk about it here.

I will be sure to edit this tonight with thought and reflection. For now, just ooh and ahh over my beautiful Microsoft Paint artistry *cough*.
Edit: I find myself in many different camps, as do many of my fellow GAs. Originally, I was going to draw leaves floating down the river, labeling each with the other pedagogies, to symbolize how my style encompasses bits and pieces of every kind of pedagogy. The bridge over the river symbolizes the fact that, though my core is creative writing, I try to remove myself enough not to get too swept up in its ever-changing current and manage to forget to incorporate different aspects that will improve my overall ability to reach my students. In other words, while creative writing is my English love, I tend to look at things through the perspective of my other creative majors and minors of the past (visual arts, vocal music, and so on), and I know that I need to, in my own work, remain true to my own voice before I try to mold myself into the most popular styles... if I don't, I will lose my identity. My bridge is anchored in collaboration and expressivism, both of which serve as major support for creative writing.
To sum up: I'm just a little crazy, and just like in life, I don't quite fit into any one place.


At March 4, 2008 at 7:18 AM, Blogger Ben said...

I think it's interesting that Creative Writing is the river in your drawing; where is it coming from, and where is it going? What do the different aspects of the picture mean?


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