Saturday, April 19, 2008


I posted this on the wrong blog. I did post this on time, really! :) Here it is:

I think I've put off posting this response for the simple reason that I don't know what I would do if my students, as a whole, failed to complete the assignment. Naturally, I would try to consider if it had been my fault somewhere along the line, and with my lousy self-confidence, the chances are that I would blame myself anyway. If I did conclude that the issue was in large part my fault, I would give my students a few days to turn in the rest of the assignment. However, if it was largely an issue of their own failure to make the effort, I would have to, so to speak, put my foot down and penalize them as the syllabus indicated. One thing I've found is that my giving in too much seems to result in my students taking advantage of my leniency.

All the same, I don't know for sure that I would do that if it actually happened. It's one thing to say I would do something in a hypothetical situation, but I don't always make choices in real life that reflect what my analytical sense tells me to do.


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